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Using Dawncord

This guide will show you how to use Dawncord in your Java Discord bot projects.

Adding Dawncord to Your Project

Before you can start using Dawncord, you need to add it as a dependency to your Java project. You can do this using either Maven or Gradle, as explained in the Installation Guide.

Creating a Discord Bot

To create a Discord bot using Dawncord, follow these steps:

Initialize Your Bot

Create a new Java class for your bot and define the main method:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Dawncord bot = new Dawncord("YOUR_BOT_TOKEN");
    bot.setIntents(GatewayIntent.MESSAGE_CONTENT, GatewayIntent.GUILD_MEMBERS);

Replace "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN" with your actual Discord bot token obtained from the Discord Developer Portal.